Monday, April 18, 2011


Sienna is such a handful especially now that she is almost three. I remember saying when Maack was three that I could have given him away for a full year and been just fine with him being gone. I love him so much now and I think that hard year made us closer so I am just trying to hang in there with Sienna right now even though she isn't yet three. She is very spunky and determined which are great qualities but It's very hard to be patient with her every hour of the day.
This is her new red bow that I finally got around to making her.
I miss this baby!
My kids are not normal at all, but I'm okay with that.
We curled Sienna's hair and she loves getting her hair done she says she looks like Rapunzel.
We have been potty training and by this picture you can just guess how well that has been going.
Here is Sienna dressed up as a unicorn at our friends house. She loves dressing up but mostly as spider man and I think it's just because she loves Maack so very much. I love Sienna she keeps things interesting and some days I feel like I am looking into a mirror.


Anonymous said...

she is such a cute girl! I love her spunky little personality just like her mommy

Abbey said...

Maack and Sienna in the same room together are so funny. I miss them so much!! hopefully a playdate soon with hammy... :(