Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We decided to go to the fair! Ha such a wast of money. I have been wanting to go since we got married and we never have so we went to the Arizona state fair and I wish we hadn't. In Pleasanton we have the county fair and it's pretty fun except for all the carnies and that one year someone got SHOT! I thought this would be the same but it was very different the carnies weren't really the problem it was the other people attending the carnival I swear it was mexican day because we stuck out like terds in a punch bowl. I never took my eyes off of the kids. Maack was under strict  instruction not to touch ANYTHING!  It was so over priced and I will never take my family again but at least Maack got to ride on the ferris wheel with Dan, And I think we all got heat stroke oh the carnival.We left after being there only two hours, oh well you live you learn.

This is such an ockward picture of Maack milking a cow, I should make a file for all of the awkward pictures I have of him.

Here are Dan and Maack in the ferris wheel. I was nervous.

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