Friday, April 9, 2010

Alice in wonderland

I love anything Tim Burton does I think he is a genius. I liked Alice in wonderland but didn't love it because it was one movie that scared the crap out of me as a child. I recommend seeing it but be ware if it scared you as a child. Nothing is scarier than a freaking oompa loopa though. What scared you as a child?


The Evers said...

jumping frog heads under my bed. I would run and jump at night to get on my bed:)

Henricksen Family said...

I still run and jump into bed because of this movie called little monsters. hahahahaaa

CJMsquared+6 said...

I am with you on Alice in Wonderland... it scared me too... but one movie that still scares me to this day and makes me run and leap for the bed in the dark is the movie Little Monsters... whoa... I just looked over and read your comment... glad I am not the only one who still runs for the bed!! ha ha