Saturday, May 2, 2009

Family Night!

A few night a go Danny got off work early and we went out to dinner and to the mall. The kids loved playing at the play place. The boys were nice enough to let me do a little shopping first. We ate at Firebirds and it was amazing!  I have wanted to go there for a while now so  we are counting it as my mother's day dinner. (thanks babe).It reminded me a lot of Sundance. The food was sooooo  good. I highly recommend it. Just not at seven o' clock when your kids should be in bed. Maack wanted me to take his picture in front of the fire place I thought that was so cute! I love the pictures of Sienna where she looks like she is being cut off and is yelling at someone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute Cute pictures. The big girls have the matching dresses to Sienna's shirt. Too funny.